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U16 boys & girls rugby tour to UK

U16 boys & girls rugby tour to UK

TREVOR WILLIAMS23 Nov 2024 - 02:54

Tour northern England & Scotland in March, 2026 with other 2009 & 2010 athletes from Waterloo County!

Hello all you 2009 and 2010 athletes!

If you were not aware, there is a tour planned for March, 2026 to the UK. It is open to all athletes born in 2009 & 2010 who register with Waterloo County for the 2025 season. We want to build on the success of the 2024 U16 boys tour and open this amazing opportunity up for both the boys and the girls teams in 2025.

The current plan is to take about 30+ athletes from each team to the UK to tour around northern England and Scotland for about 10-12 days over March Break 2026 (itinerary to be confirmed over the next few months). They will enjoy rooming with their teammates in some great hostels & hotels, learning to sleep on a bus, participate in some unbelievable activities, training with some amazing coaches in the UK, playing a few games against local teams, and building relationships. Fun times will be had - Guaranteed.

More info will be coming out during the 2025 summer - stay tuned. Waterloo County wants to support this experience to allow athletes to grow and develop while learning about a different place and culture. Coaches and trainers will travel with the group to ensure a safe and secure environment for all.

Sign-up for the tour will not occur until the 2025 summer. We are getting ahead of the game and trying to reduce the cost for each player by fundraising now. If you or your athlete would like to participate in the tour and want to help raise money for the group, please contact the following group leaders:
Jennifer Ball - 226-929-2686:
Mandy Levoy - 519-580-7823:

I have attached a Sponsorship form for support.

Here are some testimonials form the U17 boys tour team to Wales:
"That was the most fun I have had in Wales in my whole life" Rogan
"I had no idea that buildings in the UK were so old" James
"Why does Coach Will snore so much on the bus?" Asu
"Why are there separate hot and cold taps on the sinks? Why can't I just get warm water?" Zach
"Rafting in Cardiff was the best!" Barnaby
"I loved watching the Wales-Italy 6 Nations game when Wales won the wooden spoon" Logan (playing left bench from now on...)

Trevor Williams
Director of Junior Rugby
Waterloo County Rugby


WCRFC Request for Sponsorship u16 tour 2026

Further reading